Better Business with Can-Am
Can-Am’s temperature monitoring device has the capability of scanning up to 2,400 individuals per hour. It instructs users to wear a mask (the A.I. Monitor speaks to participants and can be customized, to suit your needs). The device can be integrated with a turnstile gate, label printer, or badge card reader to improve the safety of your business. The machine reads a person’s temperature in under one second. It has a higher accuracy than most thermometers on the market. The screening station also has the capability of facial recognition; identifying the subject, indicating their temperature, whether or not they’re wearing a mask and recording the interaction.
Can-Am engineers created a unique temperature monitor for NASA that meets the team’s needs during Covid-19. Working closely with NASA, the Can-Am team was able to design and build a multi-purpose temperature monitor.
Before entering NASA facilities, all employees and contractors fill-out a Covid-19 questionnaire: A QR code is then generated. When employees enter the facility, the temperature monitor will scan their face and take their temperature. Next, employees will scan the QR code on their phone. If the employee is allowed entrance, the temperature monitor will print a badge sticker. If entrance is not admitted, no badge will be presented and the employee will not be able to proceed.
◘ 1:1 Screening Station
◘ Detection Range from 1ft-4ft
◘ Integrated to Improve Safety
◘ See Real Time Thermal Imaging
◘ Ability to Identify Subjects
◘ Lower Unit Price
The stand-alone, speciality designed device is integrated with the RaspberryPi operating system and will be hidden inside the stand. The size of a business card, the operating system allows the temperature monitor and printing system to be moved anywhere without having to be connected to NASA’s external system/network.
◘ Contactless Screening reening Station
◘ Fully Customizable, Unique Display, Audio & More
◘ Ten Times Faster than the Competition
◘ Monitor can be Adjusted to any Height
◘ Thermographic System Utilizes 3-4 Points at your Forehead
◘ Tells Subject to Wear a Mask