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Category Archives: Compliance News

Geotab Hidden Gems #1

Have you ever had that one situation where you really needed to know which driver was in a specific area during a specific time frame? Maybe someone complained about a driver, or even claimed one of your trucks threw a rock and broke their windshield or damaged their vehicle. This can be frustrating because the […]

Reduce Costs. Boost Productivity. Increase Profit. Improve Safety.

Be a GPS Hero in your company… Fleet utilization, optimization and productivity are often overlooked. By using a telematics system such as Geotab, you can improve utilization, fleet optimization, and increase productivity. Fleet Utilization: Utilization in a fleet allows for flexibility to handle demand. Determining if you have the right quantity of vehicles in the […]

Government & Education Contract Award

Can-Am Wireless IT Technology Solution is proud to be awarded with the following contracts: TIPS 190302 (Technology Solutions Products and Services (3))  GSA 58#GS-03F-053D (Professional Audio/Video Telemetry/Tracking, Recording/Reproducing and Signal Data Solutions) 70#GS-35F-0143R (General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software, and Services) TX-DIR DIR-TSO-TMP-3866 (Miscellanous IT) DIR-TSO-TMP-3897 (Video Conferencing) DIR-TSO-3784 (Software – StorageCraft) DIR-TSO-4075 (Emergency Preparedness)